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Pastor BEn image 390 x 556

Another Kind of Love Letter....

Firstly, let me thank the Almighty God for bringing us all into the year 2024 My prayer that the wind which our father-in- the -LORD has prophesied will blow during 2024 will blow good towards us all.

Severally over the years, especially during the construction of King’s Court building, I had course to write what I call “love letter’ ‘to some of you. These love letters were my requests for financial contributions towards the church’s various projects, it is with immense joy that I state that you never failed to respond to my solicitations. In Nigerian parlance, you never “fell my hand”! ln addressing these letters, had often inadvertently omitted some of you, who nevertheless responded favorably.

As we go forward however, I cannot promise you that you have seen the last of my “love letters ” I believe that the LORD our God is indeed a rewarder and has not failed to reward our labours of love in His kingdom. I personally consider it a privilege to be used of God to actualize His purposes here on earth. That is why each time I have written those love letters to you, I have also, so to say, written one to myself.

I prophesy over you all, especially those who have responded favorably to my love letters that the LORD will continually prosper the works of your hands, even far beyond your expectations. Regardless of how challenging the economy gets, and even if all around you there is a casting down, your testimony shall be that of a lifting up. Everything that has hitherto caused you sorrow shall be blown away, and your joy shall be made full.

Have a grace-filled and glorious 2024!

Ben Akabueze


Pastor BEn image 390 x 556

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The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.
Place Of Heaven
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🛑Stop the Thief - Pastor Ben Akabueze

John 10: 10 - This is verse of the scripture that i believe, most of us are familair with. But let me ask this question. Who exactly is the thief Jesus refers to here?

“Pray! And listen to God! You can do this alone, but find somebody to do it with you”

Real Story Cross Journey from Anna Hampton

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Thursday, July 25th - Sunday, July 28th

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